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5x Broadcast 2U 24 way U-Panels, inc 24 U-Links

This item was sold in one of our on-line Auctions / Sales.  We may have similar items available in our forthcoming Auctions, or if you have equipment to sell please contact us for free valuations, advice etc - Tel: 01778 590111 / Email: or please get in touch with us via our contact page

5x Broadcast 2U 24 way U-Panels, inc 24 U-Links


5x Broadcast 2U 24 way U-Panels, inc 24 U-Links

Auction - Siemens IT Solutions and Services

3 Day On-Line Auction - A unique opportunity to purchase surplus audio / visual equipment used in the broadcasting industry (over 1400 Lots) including: Tandberg, Philips, Harmonic, Zandar, Thomson, Quartz, Polistream, Vistek, Trilogy, Thales etc transcoders, encoders, decoders, transport stream processors, screen subtitling systems, multiplexers, receivers, MUSA jack fields etc. etc.